Manawa ki te Manawa
Individual Counselling

A session is a relaxed conversation with its own flow, and can take place in person, over the phone or via video call. The tikanga for this kaupapa are manaakitanga and aroha, which means bringing the best of ourselves to the conversation. In the spirit of generosity, an appropriate koha is expected as payment for this service. Sessions may be booked by contacting me through this website.

While developing Tā te Manawa retreats over the last few years, I have experienced many occasions where I find myself sharing wisdom and insights that come from tūpuna, rather than the limitations of my own knowledge. Listening deeply and sharing these kōrero is a part of the discussions that follow each activity in the retreats, but it has developed into a gift to share outside of this setting as well, initially in random encounters with individuals, and now more intentionally. I now provide this service to individuals who would like to receive insights from the old people into their own life’s journeys, and offer this as a part of my business.
The sessions are based on the information our tūpuna (ancestors - yours and mine) have to share with you, as much as I am able to receive in the course of the conversation. I have developed skills for supporting people in my roles as a facilitator in the retreats and as a kaiako, but don’t have formal counselling qualifications. My job is rather to listen to what you have to say about your situation, and be a vehicle for the insights your tūpuna have for you. Some people would call this work psychic, but I don’t relate to that concept, I relate to my old people and the love they share with me in this form.
Manawa ki te Manawa sessions may be in te reo Māori or English. I also speak Spanish at an intermediate level and have given readings in the language before. Unlike the retreats, this service is not specifically targeted at Indigenous peoples, and is open to all.
Please note that these sessions are for spiritual guidance and work in addition to professional support such as mental, physical and social health services. If you are in a crisis or need other forms of support in Aotearoa, you can find help here.
Makaira, I would like to express my gratitude for the last eye-opening conversation we had. As I was listening to you, I felt like words were flowing from your heart to my heart, like wai in the awa. I had to listen to it - it was evidence, a call, the need for a wake up. I somehow had the feeling that you were channelling a precious message that I had to hear right at this very moment to be able to move forward. In the depth of my doubts, on the edge of a daunting winter, you reminded me that the light is always bright if I dare to look within myself.
It was not just a "reminder", it was an empowering message of faith, courage, and self-compassion. You pointed me in the direction of possibilities that I was unable to see myself, although they were right in front of me. You listed with an exceptional accuracy the potential treasures I could share with the world, like nobody did before. As you were speaking, I knew you were right and everything you said I wanted for myself so deeply. You simply re-ignited my conviction that I am the own creator of my life. I am in charge.
Since we shared that transformative moment, I had been walking on a difficult but necessary path of healing. I realised that in order to reinvest in my mind and body, I had to set up a few boundaries with people and life. Then I set up micro "me-time" in the morning and evening to assess how I feel and what relationship I would like with myself and with others. I do feel that it is a long journey as I have ignored myself and my full potential for so long, but I am now determined to make my world a priority and realign my lifestyle with my authentic creative self.
Your intuitive mind and nourishing words are such blessings for our community. Thank you for supporting our healing journeys.
Nāku iti noa, nā
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